PlayStation Store tuo ostettavaksi tällä viikolla seuraavat PlayStation 4 -peliuutuudet:
3.9. FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered
3.9. Catherine: Full Body
3.9. Torchlight II
3.9. Fifty Words by POWGI
3.9. CODE VEIN Demo Version
4.9. Agent A: A puzzle in disguise
4.9. Blindfold A Verite VR Experience
4.9. Himno
4.9. Post War Dreams
5.9. WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship
5.9. Apocalipsis: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
5.9. Elea – Deluxe Edition
5.9. River City Girls
6.9. NBA 2K20
6.9. Arcade Archives WATER SKI
6.9. MHW:Iceborne Master Edition
6.9. Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion and Crayola Scoot
6.9. Darkest Dungeon: Ancestral Edition
6.9. Arcade Archives VIGILANTE
6.9. Mini Metro
6.9. Sudden Strike 4: Complete Collection